Zgłoszenia wystąpień na IPS-2023 wydłużone do 14 kwietnia 2023!!

The Interdisciplinary Polar Studies 2023 (IPS-2023) Modular Meeting will be held in Svalbard (Longyearbyen, Hornsund and Isfjorden) between August 30 and September 4, 2023.

  • IPS-2023 is open to ECRs & Svalbard research community and Arctic-related topics.
  • To read more about the tentative programe and planned sessions, see the website https://www.polarknow.us.edu.pl/ips-2022/ and join our event on FB: https://fb.me/e/2ic1fhbo4.
  • Submit your abstract through the form: https://forms.gle/g7rnQXXZ9WYE6rSq7
  • The abstract extended deadline is April 14, 2023.
  • To reduce the cost of participation in IPS-2023, we are planning travel grants support for ECRs, and we have booked a hotel in LYR at a special price!

We are looking forward to greeting you all in Svalbard!
IPS-2023 Team

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