Marta Bystrowska

Temat przygotowywanej rozprawy doktorskiej:

„Ekspedycyjna turystyka rejsowa na Svalbardzie – czynniki rozwoju / Expedition cruise tourism in Svalbard – development determinants” 


  • Prof. dr hab. Jacek Jania 
  • Dr Jackie Dawson, University of Ottawa



Wigger, K. A., Bystrowska, M. 5. Arrangements to access natural resources: the role of localness and interdependence. Managing Natural Resources: Organizational Strategy, Behaviour and Dynamics: 115-137. DOI:

Bystrowska, M., Wigger, K., Liggett, D. 2017. The Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Managing High Arctic Tourism Sites: A Collective Action Perspective. Resources 6(3), 33;  DOI: 10.3390/resources6030033

Bystrowska, M., Dawson, J. 2017. Making places: the role of Arctic cruise operators in ‘creating’tourism destinations. Polar Geography 1-19; DOI: 10.1080/1088937X.2017.1328465

Bystrowska M., Dolnicki P. 2015. The impact of endogenous factors on diversification of tourism space in the Arctic. Current Issues of Tourism Research 5(2): 36-44

Heemsta H., Wigger K., Bystrowska M. 2014. Innovation and climate change: the role of network relations and the attitudes of tourism actors on Svalbard. W: Alsos G.A., Eide D., Madsen E.L. Handbook of Research on Innovation in Tourism Industries, Edward Elgar Publishing.

Udział w konferencjach:

The 9th International Congress on Arctic Social Sciences, Umea, Szwecja 8-12.06.2017
Referat: Bystrowska M., The role of ICT in sustainable management of Arctic tourism sites

Szkoła letnia: NVP Summer School, The Arctic Ocean and the marginal ice zone (MIZ). Interdisciplinary research, management practices and policy developments”, w dniach 31.07 – 6.08.2017, Longyearbyen (Svalbard)

AECO – Arctic Expedition Cruise Organization, Kopenhaga, Dania, październik 2016

UArctic Congress, St. Petersburg, Rosja, 12-16.09.2016
Referat: Olsen J., Wigger K., Bystrowska M. Cruise tourism activities in the Barents Sea: local communities’ perspectives and governance.

5th International Polar Tourism Research Network Conference, Akureyri – Rauharhon, Islandia, 28.08 – 2.09.2016
Referaty: Bystrowska M., Dawson J. Making places: the role of Arctic expedition cruise operators in ‘creating’ tourism destinations and spaces.
Referat: Wigger K., Bystrowska M. Natural resource ecosystem and inter-organizational arrangements – the case of the Arctic expedition cruise.

1st Central European Polar Meeting, Wiedeń, Austria, 10-13.11.2015
Referat: Bystrowska M. Perspectives of Arctic cruise tourism development in the time of rapid environmental change.

Interdisciplinary Studies in Svalbard (IPSIS) Meeting, Longyearbyen-Hornsynd, Svalbard, Norwegia, 18-24.09.2015
Referat: Innovative capacity of Svalbard’s tourism industry and its role in climate change adaptation.

Udział w organizacjach międzynarodowych:

APECS International Council Member 2016/2017, National Representative of APECS Poland

Council Member, IPTRN International Polar Tourims Research Network




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