Marta Bystrowska

PhD thesis title:

“Ekspedycyjna turystyka rejsowa na Svalbardzie – czynniki rozwoju / Expedition cruise tourism in Svalbard – development determinants” 


  • Prof. dr hab. Jacek Jania 
  • Dr Jackie Dawson, University of Ottawa



Wigger, K. A., Bystrowska, M. 5. Arrangements to access natural resources: the role of localness and interdependence. Managing Natural Resources: Organizational Strategy, Behaviour and Dynamics: 115-137. DOI:

Bystrowska, M., Wigger, K., Liggett, D. 2017. The Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Managing High Arctic Tourism Sites: A Collective Action Perspective. Resources 6(3), 33;  DOI: 10.3390/resources6030033

Bystrowska, M., Dawson, J. 2017. Making places: the role of Arctic cruise operators in ‘creating’tourism destinations. Polar Geography 1-19; DOI: 10.1080/1088937X.2017.1328465

Bystrowska M., Dolnicki P. 2015. The impact of endogenous factors on diversification of tourism space in the Arctic. Current Issues of Tourism Research 5(2): 36-44

Heemsta H., Wigger K., Bystrowska M. 2014. Innovation and climate change: the role of network relations and the attitudes of tourism actors on Svalbard. W: Alsos G.A., Eide D., Madsen E.L. Handbook of Research on Innovation in Tourism Industries, Edward Elgar Publishing.

Attended conferences:

The 9th International Congress on Arctic Social Sciences, Umea, Szwecja 8-12.06.2017
Talk: Bystrowska M., The role of ICT in sustainable management of Arctic tourism sites.

NVP Summer School, The Arctic Ocean and the marginal ice zone (MIZ). Interdisciplinary research, management practices and policy developments”, w dniach 31.07 – 6.08.2017, Longyearbyen (Svalbard)

AECO – Arctic Expedition Cruise Organization, Kopenhaga, Dania, październik 2016

UArctic Congress, St. Petersburg, Rosja, 12-16.09.2016
Talk: Olsen J., Wigger K., Bystrowska M. Cruise tourism activities in the Barents Sea: local communities’ perspectives and governance.

5th International Polar Tourism Research Network Conference, Akureyri – Rauharhon, Islandia, 28.08 – 2.09.2016
Talks: Bystrowska M., Dawson J. Making places: the role of Arctic expedition cruise operators in ‘creating’ tourism destinations and spaces.
Wigger K., Bystrowska M. Natural resource ecosystem and inter-organizational arrangements – the case of the Arctic expedition cruise.

1st Central European Polar Meeting, Wiedeń, Austria, 10-13.11.2015
Talk: Bystrowska M. Perspectives of Arctic cruise tourism development in the time of rapid environmental change.

Interdisciplinary Studies in Svalbard (IPSIS) Meeting, Longyearbyen-Hornsynd, Svalbard, Norwegia, 18-24.09.2015
Talk: Innovative capacity of Svalbard’s tourism industry and its role in climate change adaptation.

International organizations membership:

APECS International Council Member 2016/2017, National Representative of APECS Poland

Council Member, IPTRN International Polar Tourims Research Network



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