Leo Decaux

PhD thesis title:

“The water drainage in the polythermal glacial system based on radio-echo soundings and model solutions.”



  • Prof. dr hab. Jacek Jania
  • Dr Mariusz Grabiec



Participation in research projects:

Contribution as a field assistant in Community Coordinated Snow Study in Svalbard (C2S3) project.


Decaux L., Grabiec M., Ignatuik D., Jania J. 2018. Role of discrete recharge from the supraglacial drainage system for modelling of subglacial conduits pattern of Svalbard polythermal glaciersCryosfere (under review), DOI: 10.5194/tc-2017-219.

Attended conferences, conference abstracts:

Decaux L., Mankoff K., Grabiec M., Jania J., 2018. Conceptual model of englacial water fluctuations of Hansbreen, Svalbard. Polar 2018, Davos, Switzerland. 15 – 26 June 2018.

Decaux L., Grabiec M., Ignatuik D., Jania J., 2017. Importance of discrete recharge and supraglacial drainage system evolution in subglacial drainage system modelling of Svalbard polythermal glaciers. Interdisciplinary Polar Studies in Poland 2017, Warsaw, Poland. 17 – 19 November 2017.


Arctic Science Summit Week 2017, Praga (Czechy), 31.o3-7.04.2017.
Talk: Decaux L., Grabiec M., Jania J. “Evolution of the Supraglacial Drainage System, from Remote Sensing Data and its Comparison with Modelled Subglacial Drainage System for Svalbard Glaciers”. Book of Abstracts, 24.

Workshop on the dynamics and mass budget of Arctic glaciers, Benasque, Hiszpania, 25-27.01.2016
Talk: Decaux L., Ignatuik D., Grabiec M., Jania J. Comparison of the supraglacial drainage system on different timescale from remote sensing data on Werenskioldbreen, land-terminating Svalbard glacier. . Book of Abstracts and Programme: 16-17.



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