Scientific Session: “High North and Far South from European and Regional Perspectives”

We warmly invite you to participate in the scientific session: “High North and Far South from European and Regional Perspectives”, which will be held on 24th April 2024!  Registration (only for on-site participation) is available at the link: Participants will be able to use simultaneous translation into Polish (headphone … więcej

Call for IPS-2023 abstracts extended to 14th April, 2023!

The Interdisciplinary Polar Studies 2023 (IPS-2023) Modular Meeting will be held in Svalbard (Longyearbyen, Hornsund and Isfjorden) between August 30 and September 4, 2023. IPS-2023 is open to ECRs & Svalbard research community and Arctic-related topics. To read more about the tentative programe and planned sessions, see the website and … więcej

Call for IPS-2023 abstracts!

We are delighted to announce an open call for IPS-2023 abstracts! The Interdisciplinary Polar Studies 2023 (IPS-2023) Modular Meeting will be held at Svalbard in Longyearbyen, Hornsund and Isfjorden region between August 30 and September 4, 2023. IPS-2023 is open to ECRs & Svalbard research community and Arctic-related topics. SUBMIT … więcej

Peaceful and joyous Christmas time 2022

  Interdisciplinary Polar Studies (IPS-2023) Modular Meeting: Arctic Amplification-Glaciers-Environment Granted by the Ministry of Education and Science, Republic of Poland (Program Społeczna Odpowiedzialność Nauki / Doskonała Nauka DNK/SP/513817/2021)

Little evidence of great glacial floods – kettle holes on Skeiðarársandur (S Iceland)

As part of the individual scientific activity of Dr Joanna E. Szafraniec and thanks to the support of the Center for Polar Studies, a research trip to Iceland took place at the end of June 2021, to the forefield of the Skeiðarárjökull glacier. The expedition aimed to set up a … więcej

PhD positions at the International Environmental Doctoral School

International Environmental Doctoral School associated with the Centre for Polar Studies at the University of Silesia in Katowice (IEDS) announces a call for candidates. Registration of candidates in the IRK system is available to 18 August 2021! The IEDS educates young scientific staff at the highest standards in cooperation with … więcej