Daniel Kępski


Daniel Kępski


PhD thesis title:

„Wpływ rzeźby i pokrycia terenu na rozkład przestrzenny i dynamikę zmian pokrywy śnieżnej na tundrze w okolicy Polskiej Stacji Polarnej na Spitsbergenie” / „The influence of land cover and topography on the spatial distribution and dynamics of snow cover on the tundra around Polish Polar Station in Hornsund, Spitsbergen”


  • Prof. Krzysztof Migała
  • Dr. Bartłomiej Luks

Contact:  d.kepski@igf.edu.pl


Professional experience:

  • 10.2018-now  – member of 43rd Polish Antarctic Expedition to the H. Arctowski Station – hydrologist
  • 07.2013-07.2014 – Member of 36th Expedition to the Polish Polar Station Hornsund, Spitsbergen – 1st Meteorologist
  • 04.2013 – student internship at Meteorological Observatory on Śnieżka, Karkonosze Mts, Poland
  • 05.2012 – student internships: Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (IMGW), Wrocław, Poland; Inspectorate of Environmental Protection in Wrocław, Poland


27.02.2015 – Honourable mentioned in VII edition of Anna Pasek sholarship competition. Distinction for a project: „Usage of high resolution time-lapse photography and satellite images for monitoring changes in snow cover on the example of coastal area of Hornsund fjord”. Project finished in April 2016.

Research projects:

Leader: Research Council of Norway SSF Arctic Field Grant no. 257119/E10: “Evolution of spatial variability and physico-chemical properties of snow on coastal tundra of the Hornsund fjord during the spring season”, RIS-ID 10450

Participant: Research Council of Norway SSF Svalbard Strategic Grant: “Community Coordinated Snow Study In Svalbard (C2S3)”, RIS-ID 10472

Use of high resolution time-lapse photography and satellite images for monitoring changes in snow cover on the example of coastal area of Hornsund fjord”. – Project distincted in VII edition of Anna Pasek sholarship competition


Opała-Owczarek M., Pirożnikow E., Owczarek P., Szymański W., Luks B., Kępski D., Szymanowski M., Wojtuń B., Migała K. 2018. The influence of abiotic factors on the growth of two vascular plant species (Saxifraga oppositifolia and Salix polaris) in the High ArcticCATENA 163: 219-232, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2017.12.018

Kępski D., Luks B., Migała K., Wawrzyniak T., Westermann S., Wojtuń B. 2017. Terrestrial remote sensing of snowmelt in a diverse high-arctic tundra environment using time-lapse imageryRemote Sensing 9(7): 733, DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/rs9070733

Kępski D., Błaś M., Sobik M., Polkowska Ż., Grudzińska K. 2016. Progressing Pollutant Elution from Snowpack and Evolution of its Physicochemical Properties During Melting Period—a Case Study From the Sudetes, Poland. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 227: 112, DOI: 10.1007/s11270-016-2797-z

Attended conferences, conference abstracts:

Impact of climate change and pollution on vegetation distribution and condition in the temperate, boreal, alpine and arctic zones of northern Europe, 26-27 X 2016, Warsaw, Poland
Kępski D., Luks B., Migała K., Wojtuń B., Westermann S., 2016. Spring Snow Disappearance from Various Tundra Types – Case Study from Fuglebekken Catchment.

9th GeoSymposium of Young Researchers Silesia 2016, Kroczyce, Poland, 31.08–2.09.2016.
Referat: Kępski D., Luks B., Migała K., Westermann S. 2016. Snow distribution assessment from ground based photography and Landsat 8 images in High Arctic (Hornsund, SW Spitsbergen). Book of Abstracts: 37-37.

7th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew, 24-29 June 2016.
Migała K., Luks B., Budzik T., Kępski D. 2016. Evaporation and condensation on snow/ice surface based on the thermodynamic equations – a case study from the area of Hornsund Fiord, Svalbard. Proceedings book: 74-74.

XXXVI Polar Symposium “Progress in polar research − new experiences and challenges”, Lublin, Poland, 8-11.06.2016.
Talk: Kępski D., Luks B., Kozioł K., Nawrot A., Wawrzyniak T., Migała K. 2016. Spatial variability of snow cover properties during ablation season on unglaciated coast of Hornsund Fjord In: Franczak Ł., Gajek G. (Eds). XXXVI Polar Symposium “Progress in polar research − new experiences and challenges” The 30th Anniversary of UMSC Polar Expeditions to Spitsbergen. BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: 47-48.

7th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew, Wrocław, Poland, 24-29.06.2016.
Poster: Migała K., Luks B., Budzik T., Kępski D. Evaporation and condensation on snow/ice surface based on the thermodynamic equations – a case study from the area of Hornsund Fiord, Svalbard.

1st Central European Polar Meeting, Vienna, Austria, 10-13.11.2015.
Poster: Kępski D., Luks B., Wawrzyniak T., Westermann S. Ground based photography as a tool for snow distribution assessment in High Arctic unglaciated catchment (Fuglebekken, SW Spitsbergen).

Taking the next step in Svalbard snow research, SSF workshop, Sosnowiec, Polska, 1-4.09.2015.
Talk: Kępski D., Luks B., Migała K. Remote sensing methods for monitoring the spatial distribution of snow cover in Hornsund.

Interdisciplinary Studies in Svalbard (IPSIS) Meeting, Longyearbyen-Hornsund, Svalbard, Norwegia, 18-24.09.2015
Talk: Kępski D., Migała K., Luks B., Nawrot A. Snow cover stratigraphy as a source of information about weather and pollutants deposition history – a case study from SW Spitsbergen.

International Snow and Avalanche Safety Workshops, Pec pod Sněžkou, Czechy, 27-29.03.2015.
Talk: Kępski D. New methods in snow cover measurements.

Workshops, courses:

SIOS workshop „Copernicus data for Snow and Ice”, 11 – 13.09.2017, Longyearbyen, Svalbard

„QGIS” course organized by Silesian GIS Laboratory, 1-3.03.2017, Warszawa

Finishing 41 on-line courses concerning programming and data analysis in R, Python and SQL languages: https://www.datacamp.com/profile/dkepski

Glaciology course (AG-825) at University Centre of Svalbard (UNIS) 11.02 – 14.03.2016, Longyearbyen, Norway

On-line course „Data Cruncher’s” – Data processing in R software, 8.04–5.05.2015, Warsaw School of Data Analysis

On-line course „Data Cruncher’s” – Visualization and modelling, 6 – 27.05.2015, Warsaw School of Data Analysis


  • Since 12.2014 – participation in project: „Geophysics at school” with topics: „Meteorological phenomenas influencing visibility”, „Work at Polish Polar Station on Spitsbergen”

Membership in scientific organizations:

  • 10.2010-05.2011 – GIS section member of Julian Czyżewski Geography Student Science Club

Interests and hobbies:

  • scientific: synoptic meteorology, snow cover in polar and mountain areas, pomiary widzialności poziomej
  • other: mountain outdoor activities, classical and fantasy literature, European film


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